Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to prevent an I-Phone App that keeps Location Services enabled from draining your I-Phone's battery

Occasionally, I've run into a few I-Phone apps that have a tendency to drain your I-Phone's battery to a nearly useless state in just a few hours. Most often, this is due to the fact that the app always has Location Services (i.e. GPS) running in the background whether or not you're using the app at the moment. Here are a few quick steps you can follow to save the life of your I-Phone's battery when you're not using the offending app:

  1. Go to your I-Phone's Home Screen
  2. Touch the Settings icon
  3. Scroll down and then touch the General icon
  4. Scroll down and then touch the Restrictions item
  5. At this time, you'll be prompted to either (1) enter your Restrictions passcode if you've already enabled Restrictions or (2) set up a Restrictions passcode (if you haven't set one up previously, you will need to do so now)
  6. Enter your 4-digit Restrictions passcode
  7. Scroll down to the Privacy section and touch the Location Services item
  8. Scroll down to the  item that represents the offending app and turn the value from 'ON' to 'OFF'
Once you're ready to begin your walk, run, or bike ride, simply follow these steps to re-enable the Location Services for the app:
  1. Go to your I-Phone's Home Screen
  2. Touch the Settings icon
  3. Scroll down and then touch the General icon
  4. Scroll down and then touch the Restrictions item
  5. Enter your 4-digit Restrictions passcode
  6. Scroll down to the Privacy section and touch the Location Services item
  7. Scroll down to the item that represents the offending app and turn the value from 'OFF' to 'ON'
Once Location Services are re-enabled for this app, it's ready to go.

With that said, the good news is that most app developers will resolve this issue once they're made aware of the situation; therefore, be sure to give them a heads up that you're encountering the problem and you're likely to receive a fix over the next few releases.  Anyway, this will provide an interim solution if you have the patience to toggle Location Services for the offending app.

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