Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Programmatically obtain a list of all properties associated with a user's profile in Active Directory

The following simplified code sample can be used for obtaining a list of all possible properties that are associated with a user's profile in Active Directory.  This code would be useful if you're trying to figure out which AD properties you may need to access to get the information you require:

using System.DirectoryServices;


   using (DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://yourOUPath))
      using (DirectorySearcher dirSearch = new DirectorySearcher(dirEntry))
         dirSearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMaccountname=yourADLoginName))";
         SearchResult result = dirSearch.FindOne();
         if (result != null)
            foreach (string propertyName in result.Properties.PropertyNames)
catch (Exception ex)

Likely culprits for issues with this code could be attributed to the following items:
  1. There could be issues with the structure of the LDAP path
  2. You may need to specify a DirectoryEntry.Username and DirectoryEntry.Password
  3. You may need to define a DirectoryEntry.AuthenticationType

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